I know what you mean, Chris. I was sitting there the whole time thinking to myself, "God, I hope this woman doesn't get on stage!" Although I have to admire Bob for his composure with her; he didn't seem to bat an eye or even show any disdain on his face.
I'm surprised no one mentioned the other thing that she did: constantly making Bob (well, mainly Burton) look up the TYPE of wood that the fireplace she was bidding on was made out of. Honestly, unless you're an EXPERT on fireplaces, why would you ask this? And, even after all this, she was STILL way off the mark (by about $1,000, IIRC). Bob seemed quite intrigued by the questions, and so he then asked her if it were the other type of wood she was asking about, what would she have bid, and she stated something around $4,500. Maybe this just came out because I watch the show almost every chance I get, but I started yelling at the TV, "You idiot! Don't you know that daytime Price never gives IUFB's more than around $3,000?" Not quite qualifying as a "misplay of the day," but I just thought it strange.
The other thing: I wonder what kind of attitude she showed Roger to get him to pick her! I also wonder how many times Roger was kicking himself after seeing her play the game and how snooty she was to Bob!
Some contestants...
